Graph Solutions

We specialize in graph analytics and graph solution architecture and can customize your implementation leveraging your existing system and digital assets. This starts with understanding and refining your use-cases through discovery, modeling, integration and deployment of your analytics. We have a proven track record in large and small organizations alike.

Generative AI

Our consulting services unlock the potential of Graph AI for customized client solutions. We integrate cutting-edge generative AI patterns with foundational LLMs (Large Language Models) to construct curated knowledge based systems across a variety of subject areas. This powerful combination allows us to build solutions that generate focussed content to your needs, discover hidden connections within your data using knowledge graphs and integrate curated ontologies to provide a roadmap for understanding the scope of your content.

Data Mobility

Whether you believe data is a product or a high-value asset, ensuring the timely mobility of your data is critical in making real-time and analytic decisions. We have a robust inventory of infrastructure and techniques for getting your data where it needs to be in a low-friction and low overhead manner.

Knowledge Graph

Knowledge Graphs represent a new class of analytics that allows for the integration of multiple and disparate data sources into a consolidated environment and allows a cross-domain view of your data and processes. Knowledge Graphs are also a great way to integrate with external KG's in News, Financial Services , Healthcare and many more allowing your analytics to extend beyond your current data environments.

About Us

I'm Owen Robertson and I started DTS back in 2015 after many years in the technology and consulting field specializing in data analytics and supporting delivery systems. My experiences date back to the early days of parallel computing and databases developing Proof-of-Concept for Fortune 500 companies looking to shift from there legacy infrastructure to high-performance computing platforms. Those early projects established a foundation and appreciation for how to blend technology and business that is just as relevant today as it was back then. These days however the technology choices and features have exploded, leaving technology decision makers with a myriad of options when looking to adopt new technology. We specialize in understanding these choices and the enabling technologies required to efficiently implement these new systems, and even more importantly understanding how to finesse these new solutions into existing enterprise environments. I also use the word “We” as I’ve had the privilege of working with some the best technologist in the business ranging from world-class AI/Machine Learning engineers to Fortune 500 CTO’s. Along with 30+ years of consulting across dozens and dozens of projects we have a network of consultants representing know-how and skills from strategic consulting through all aspects of the SDLC. Currently, we are focussing on graph based analytics and the enabling technologies needed to exploit this new class of analytics. We focus on hard-problems and have the experience and track record of solving them, we’d love to talk.

Owen Robertson

Best Regards Owen

Our Solutions


Provide project and technical advisory services focussed on data innovation, strategy and new technology adoption. Includes methodologies for software selection, TCO and positioning for competitive advantages using technology.


Provide consulting services that embed with your technology teams to lead or support your existing initiatives. We bring years of project experience and will work within your existing methodologies and organizational model.

Digital Asset Strategies

Considering Enterprise Knowledge Graphs, integrating chatGPT or implementing data streaming for real-time decision-making; we can customize a low-friction approach for integrating these technologies into your environment.