Our Company

Based in Denver, Colorado DTS has a focus on advanced technologies such as Graph Data Science, Machine Learning, Data Streaming and Knowledge Base Repositories for a vast array of clients and industries ranging from highly mature environments to new technology startups. This includes over 30 years, working on projects in various domains including healthcare, manufacturing, supply chain, finance, and marketing.

A significant portion of our recent work highlights expertise in Graph Data Science and Machine Learning, involving the development and deployment of foundational Knowledge Graphs for tasks in entity influence, community and path analysis. This includes work with large design and manufacturing companies leveraging advanced regression approaches that integrate linear and non-linear models for fault prediction and demand forecasting. In addition, we are actively working on genAI based solutions leveraging Foundational and Open Source language models in healthcare; that drive automation in the administrative Healthcare space.

Additional examples using Big-Data include the development of geo-political models corporate simulation modeling. This project utilized the customized corporate organization models along with the GDELT (Global Database of Events, Locations and Themes) dataset to examine the effects of global events effects on corporate experience. This model measured GDELT purtubation events against corporate operations and provided the basis for simulation modeling.

In summary, DTS offers clients a blend of industry knowledge along with advanced and proven technology implementation experience that can be fitted into your existing strategies and infrastructure.